It’s time to learn about sessions in PHP. Here is some basic code to start a session, and display the resulting $_SESSION superglobal: <?php session_start(); echo ‘<pre>’; var_dump($_SESSION); echo ‘</pre>’; The resulting output: array(0) { } To prove that it’s
The complexity of programming
In my last blog post, I built a basic “Hello World” app using the Slim Framework. Today, I decided to take a look at the tutorial provided by Luka Peharda on Code Forest called Creating simple tasks app with Backbone.js and Slim micro
My first Slim Framework app
Tonight I decided to check out the Slim Framework. I heard about it at Tek13, and had been wanting to see what it was like. The first thing I had to do was understand Composer. I started reading on the
Adding vhosts in Apache
On a native install on Mac, to add a vhost: If you haven’t done this one time step, do this first to enable vhosts: sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf Then uncomment the line that includes the vhost config file: # Virtual hosts
My Experience at Tek13
I attended the php[tek] 2013 (tek13) conference for the first time this year. After coding ColdFusion for the last 12 years, I am now diving into PHP. I have not been involved in the ColdFusion community, so when the decision was made
Restarting Apache on Mac OS X
The command to restart apache on Mac OS X is: sudo apachectl -k restart
WordPress Plugin Hooks: Plugin Finished Loading
Now that I have a plugin that can be activated and deactivated, it might be nice to know when the plugin has completed loading. In the code below, I have added a function for this (line 43) , and an
WordPress plugin Hooks: Activation and Deactivation
Ok, so now I’ve got the beginnings of a plugin. Time to learn about hooks! However, first, notice that I’ve added text related to the actual license. Turns out that’s a proper practice, so I’ve added it as follows: <?php
WordPress plugins: Where to begin
Here is one place you can start if you are looking for basic info on creating a plugin: Create a file in the plugins folder. Call it whatever you’d like. Place a comment block at the top