How secure is your online world? Have you ever used a password like “password”, or “letmein”? Ok, maybe you haven’t used one that obvious – but how about this – have you ever used the same or similar passwords on more than one site? I used to until I found LastPass.
Would you believe that even “qeadzcwrsfxv1331” is not really secure? (* See link at bottom)
LastPass has allowed me to make all of my passwords unique and secure. Most are now at least 20 characters long!
How do I remember them? That’s the best part – I don’t need to! All I need to do is remember one passphrase, and LastPass does the rest!
If you have been looking for a way to manage your passwords, or use stronger passwords, you need LastPass.

Still not convinced? Read on…
If you would really like to understand password security, how choosing a good password is critical, then please take the time to educate yourself on the topic. The following link is a recent article detailing how hackers are able to easily get your passwords, even when you think they’re safe.
You can also read about “5 Myths of Password Security”
Here is a great article on password entropy:
And here is a great way to know how long your password will take to crack. It also explains why higher entropy is not always automatically better:
Here is another resource:
Why am I promoting LastPass? Because I use it every day, and I believe in it!
Not all sites allow those long passwords, Mega and FB allow me 65 char passwords, but Outlook and AOL Mail I can only use 16 chars.
So true Hector. I find it very frustrating when sites limit the maximum number of characters you can have in a password. There is no reason for it if you are hashing properly!
Using the GRC haystack page, (link above), I was able to create a simple 16 character password that would take 1.41 hundred million centuries to brute force. Don’t use this one, but according to them, something like this is actually really secure: F1d%…………